Klinik for Shockwave

Mere Magnetolith/EMTT teknologi

Magnetolith device number 2 at MS Insight ❤️❤️🇩🇰

I was skeptical about the technology initially, but then I got a Magnetolith in 2020 for a trial, and I ended up buying it, and what a journey it has been.
Now, I am so convinced that I got another EMTT device from STORZ MEDICAL AG.

I owe a big thanks to Prof. Dr. Karsten Knobloch, FACS and Ludger Gerdesmeyer, for their outstanding work in developing the device and research.

I have been harvesting the benefits from the EMTT technology as the first in the Nordic countries and among the first in the world since 2020.

It has been a game changer for so many people in my clinic and for my approach to holistic treatment setup, working on the root of the problem and not just the symptom.

I see the high value in combining EMTT and ESWT/shockwave for orthopedic, urology, and neurological indications.

That is why I decided to get another device so that I can do an even more efficient and comprehensive EMTT protocol in combination with shockwave for my clients with sexual dysfunction and chronic pain.

I see a much higher effect in the more severe cases of erectile dysfunction, also after radical prostatectomy and incontinence, when I do the addition of EMTT, compared to shockwave alone.

I am looking forward to sharing more about how to enhance the effect of EMTTt and shockwave in the many workshops and travels that are already planned for subsequent years and on Sunday this week in Barcelona with STORZ Medical Ibérica.

And I hope that in time, many other clinicians will add it as a standard part of the treatment to enhance the effect for our patients.

Second device for the clinic

Client selection for erectile dysfunction

The power of saying no...

Getting shockwave treatment for erectile dysfunction is becoming increasingly popular, but many also see it as a quick fix for their general problems.

But shockwave isn't the solution for everyone, especially with underlying co-morbidities and general health problems.

A good example could be like this. Male, that can't walk 500 meters without being exhausted; getting various types of medication for cardiovascular diseases and cholesterol and has an enlarged prostate that's not corresponding to his age.

He is not interested in changing his lifestyle, so his general condition will change; he wants the shockwave to make everything all right.

In a case like this, you will set you self up to fail the treatment course, and in the end, the client will be disappointed because the treatment will not meet expectations.

So the key is proper diagnostic and patient selection, and then shockwave will be highly efficient as a solution to different types of vascular ED. It is not a quick fix but a part of a solid holistic solution. They need to be active in the solution and not just passively receive the treatments.

Erectile dysfunction

Workshops og seminar Korea Kimes

Back in Copenhagen after a fantastic trip in South Korea with STORZ MEDICAL AG doing workshops and seminars for the local distributor UIC at the KIMES 2023.

We covered different pathologies with the combination of ESWT, rESWT, and EMTT.

Korea is a massive nation of shockwaves, so it was a pleasure meeting skilled doctors and having great debates about technology options.

Andrew and the UIC team were incredible with hosting us.

👀They took us to the highest building in Korea (555) and the 5th tallest in the world
🫕 I had the pleasure of tasting different Korean food and learned how to eat appropriately with sticks 💪
👀They took us to a history lesson about the last dynasty of kings in Korea, and we saw the royal palace.
🇩🇰They made me feel like a rockstar all the way, with all the people that i had to meet and greet.

🤩 Meeting all these new people with UIC was just amazing, and I am already looking forward to visiting again and spreading the word about the combination of the different techniques and machines for enhancing the results of the treatments.

Undervisning Sverige og Norge
Undervisning Sverige og Norge

Undervisning i shockwave/EMTT i Sverige og Norge

Undervisning i Sverige og Norge med to intense workshops i shockwave og EMTT med Medema Physio AB og STORZ MEDICAL AG. Hvad observerede jeg?

Shockwave er en kunstform, der kræver en masse træning og hands-on.

Du skal kende videnskaben, men at lære al videnskaben garanterer ikke, at du ved, hvordan du anvender den. Derfor giver det mening for klinikere at komme med i mere praktisk uddannelse generelt.

Derfor er det en fornøjelse at lave workshops som denne, med fremragende interaktioner og spørgsmål fra publikum. Det får mig til at smile sidst på dagen.

Så hvad gjorde vi?
✅ Indikationer og kontraindikationer ved brug af ESWT/EMTT
✅ Hvornår skal udstyret bruges ved hjælp af en nem protokol
✅ De fysiske principper for hver teknologi
✅ Hvad grundforskning i ESWT og EMTT viser
✅ Højt niveau af praktisk anvendelse

Tak til Helena, Helena, Thomas, Katarina og resten af holdet for at lave sådan et fremragende sted for mig at undervise begge steder. Og Ai Phi Thuy Ho og Kasper Sass Kierkegaard for at være en god del af den praktiske applikationsudstilling i Norge.

Jeg vil nu, de næste to dage, deltage i ESSM School of Sexual Medicine-konferencen i Rotterdam med Sandra og Markus, med fokus på erektil dysfunktion, Peyronies og meget mere. Jeg ser frem til gode diskussioner og foredrag.

Undervisning Sverige og Norge

Workshop i urologisk shockwave for danske behandlere

Ved du, hvordan man bygger det bedste behandlingsforløb for rejsningsproblemer og Peyronies?

I går lavede jeg en workshop for Secma Medical i Danmark med fokus på at forbedre kliniske resultater indenfor urologi shockwave til private klinikker.

Jeg underviste i hvordan at de kan optimere deres behandlinger, og få et indblik i hvordan at jeg arbejder seriøst og dybdegående med rejsningsproblemer og peyronies.

Jeg dækkede emner som
✅ Studier
✅ Vigtigheden af undersøgelsen og hvordan
✅ Integration af POCUS og penis ultralyd
✅Hvilke klienter skal behandles og ikke behandles

Et af det meget interaktive og vidende publikums hovedtemaer var at sikre, at vi dækkede alle aspekter af tilstanden.

🫀Er det vaskulært, eller er der andre medicinske tilstande?
🧠Er der en mental hengivenhed ved tilstanden?
🫂Hvordan er forholdet status?
🍏Hvordan er livsstilen generelt
🔬 Og meget, meget mere

Alt sammen for at tydeliggøre den optimale behandlingsprotokol med ESWT, så vi opnår succes med hver enkelt klient.

Det var en fantastisk dag med god opbakning fra Runar, Camilla og resten af Secma teamet.

Hvis du vil have hjælp til dine egne rejsningsproblemer så læs mere her

Hvis du vil have støtte i forhold til din klinik og behandling af rejsningsproblemer, så send en mail til michael@msinsight.dk og hør om mulighederne.

rejsningsproblemer og peyronies

Blodværdier, sygdomme og rejsningsproblemer

Do you want to know more about Hematology and erectile dysfunction?

Then you should watch this video talk I did with the very knowledgeable doctor of hematology Eirik Tjønnfjord.

We talk about how different diseases in the blood can affect erectile function and general health.

And what to be aware of regarding this, when working with ESWT / shockwave for ED.

What should be tested, what is needed, and nice to know?

We talk specifically about
Blood thinners
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
and much more...

Ultralydsscanning af hjertet og rejsningsproblemer

This is a short video talk for everyone with an interest in treating Erectile dysfunction and point-of-care ultrasound, and how it is implemented in the clinic.
How can we start thinking and working across different specialties?

I am pleased to have cardiology fellow Ai Phi Thuy Ho from Norway joyning in this talk about Erectile Dysfunction and why you should be taking symptoms of erectile dysfunction seriously.

AI Phi is an ultrasound scanning specialist and runs the platform www.norvue.no, which offers high-quality ultrasound courses for different organs.

Get answers to the following and much more:
Why should symptoms of erectile dysfunction be taken seriously?

Which cardiovascular disease can lead to ED?

Which role can POCUS (point of care ultrasound) have in screening in ED other than the cardiologist, for a skilled sonographer?

Which actions can be taken besides the medication for cardiovascular diseases?

Tilbage på sporet

I går blev filmen "Tilbage på sporet" vist igen, hvor at der var klip fra klinikken i forbindelse med behandling af spastiske muskler og rejsningsproblemer med shockwave. Hør her hvad Birger siger om sin potens efter behandlingen hos mig, efter et stroke.

Den fulde, og meget rørende udsendelse om Birger kan ses herunder. Det sætter gang i refleksionerne om livet.

Optagelserne er lavet i 2020, så jeg ser en smule anderledes ud, og behandling af rejsningsproblemer er kun blevet en endnu større del af klinikken, og dækker nu over 60 % af klinikkens daglige arbejde. Læs mere her

Undervisningstur Kuwait med EMTT

Undervisning i EMTT for læger og fysioterapeuter i Kuwait

I denne weekend var jeg i Kuwait for at introducere EMTT teknologien for første gang i Kuwait.

Jeg havde fornøjelsen af at levere 4 workshops og træninger på forskellige hospitaler og klinikker i EMTT og shockwave teknologien.

Som en af verdens mest erfarne behandlere med EMTT, er det et privilegie at kunne få muligheden for at påvirke så mange mennesker i verden, både direkte og inddirekte, i kraft af de behandlere der bliver uddannet, som bruger mine behandlingskoncepter i deres daglige praksis.

Dette var også årets sidste undervisnings tur, inden at næste års sæson med undervisning og rejser, kickstartes i Januar til USA.